The Top 9 Website Design Trends for Luxury Resort Hotels in 2020

Are you looking to increase engagement on your website? Maybe you want to boost conversion? Or focus on user experience on mobile devices? 

If you are planning to overhaul your hotel website in 2020, here are the most eye-catching visual trends for resort hotel websites to inspire your design journey.  

1. Video Hero Headers

Hero videos create that all-important first impression when customers log onto your website. Reserve this spot for your very best footage to grab the viewer’s attention immediately.
Keep all other elements - menu, booking widget, into text, logo - to a minimum so the focus remains on your most powerful visuals. 

2. Minimal Design, Maximum Fonts 

Make a statement with striking headlines using big, bold typography. Pare back all other design features on the page so the header text can receive the greatest attention.
This design feature works particularly well for spa and wedding sections where the ability to create an atmosphere is essential. 

3. Overlapping Layers 

This is a great feature to add depth to your website pages creating a more intriguing layout. By breaking up the usual symmetrical layout, you can keep the viewer’s interest longer and create a free-flowing design for your website. 

4. Alluring Patterns 

While simplicity is still one of the leading design trends for luxury websites, you can experiment with intricate graphics and patterns to engage the viewers. Patters can add depth to pages, highlight calls-to-action and bring the user’s attention to details. 

5. Supersized Menus 

Mega menus - essentially drop-down menus where you can see all navigation options in a snapshot - were made for the travel industry. As hotels often have a great number of webpages, this solution is perfect to make websites more user-friendly. 
You can also utilise this prime real estate to promote special offers and direct visitors to your booking engine. 

6. Sleek Frames 

Incorporate subtle frames into your design to highlight your best photography or to bring attention to special offers. It will give your site a fresh, modern feel without overwhelming the design. 
Well-structured frames also help to create a sense of balance on your website which is essential to luxury resorts promoting well-being and escapism. 

7. Simplified Navigation 

To keep the homepage design focused on your hero visuals, avoid adding too many items to the navigation bar. Reserve these 3-5 spots for the most important sections of the website - rooms, offers, gallery - and display all other options in a drop-down menu.  
Hamburger menus are a great solution, especially on the smaller screen of mobile devices. 

8. Split-Screens 

This is another great solution for hotel websites where special offers and room categories are often featured side by side. A split-screen gives equal attention to both sections while keeping the layout simple and logical. 
Furthermore, this feature is user-friendly and mobile-compatible, making it a firm favourite with designers in 2020. 

9. Custom Illustrations 

For high-end hotels offering a luxury experience, branding always requires special attention. 
In addition to showcasing immersive photos and videos, add custom-made illustrations to your website. Rich in details, these unique features can lend character to your website bringing your brand persona to life. 

If you are looking for additional design inspirations, take a look at our hotel portfolio. Find out more about our hotel website design services here or drop us a line to get a personalised quote.