Abbeyglen Castle Success Story
Abbeyglen Castle Hotel (6)

Steps to Success for Abbeyglen Castle Hotel

Nestled amidst the rugged beauty of Connemara, the Abbeyglen Castle Hotel stands as a testament to the enchanting allure of Ireland’s independent, family-run hospitality. This storied establishment, cradled by the Twelve Bens mountains and overlooking the quaint village of Clifden, embodies a rich tapestry of history, warmth, and genuine charm that feels increasingly rare in today's world of corporate chains and standardised luxury. Abbeyglen is a full-service partner of Aró Digital Strategy with bespoke website, integrated booking engine, digital marketing  service and account management strategy. 

Year 1: Partnership Commenced with new Website & Booking Engine- Year 1 Revenue Growth 496%

Year 2: 83% Revenue Growth

Year 3: 11% Revenue Growth

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About Abbeyglen Castle Hotel

4 Star Independent Hotel

4 Star Independent Hotel

Connemara, Ireland

Connemara, Ireland

Original Irish Hotels

Member of Original Irish Hotels

Owner Operated since 1969

Owner Operated since 1969

347 Conversion Rate Growth Year 1
496 Revenue Growth Year 1
83 Revenue Growth Year 2

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